March 31, 2021
Each person’s a book full of words on each page.
We formulate chapters regardless of age.
Like books, we choose friends who will fit in our mold,
Share the backgrounds, the concepts, the values we hold.
But how do we choose and decide who will fit?
Do we look at the cover or read just a bit?
Do we turn the book over and look on the back?
Take the word of a critic who chose to attack?
The words that I pen, that I write by myself,
Help others decide if I fit on their shelf.
How would I title a book about me?
How could I capture what others would see?
And how could I capture a lifetime in words
To fit in the box on the back in a blurb?
We’re each more than labels that others attach.
We’re each one complex, each unique with no match.