June 22, 2021
We gather on Tuesday, we meet at iHop
There’s never a shortage of stories to swap.
The tea and the coffee are always kept hot.
The sharing and caring is always on spot.
Some stories are funny when men gather ‘round
A chorus of laughter is such a great sound.
Our faces are weathered, some might call us old,
If they counted the years that we’ve all seen unfold.
Yet we still have some sparkle, that some would call spry,
Just based on the twinkle still seen in our eyes.
We relate to the stories we share from the past,
The bond that unites us forever will last.
We know that they’re numbered, our days on this earth,
The clock began ticking the day of our birth.
But we all have in common that one special friend.
We know that through Him life will change but not end.