
August 28, 2024

The sun is down, light’s almost gone,
Another night to rest ‘til dawn.
A few more weeks of summer heat,
Then once again, cool nights I’ll greet.

The trees disrobe, they’ll slumber soon,
With barren limbs to frame the moon.
For seven decades, seven years
I’ve cherished seasons, held them dear.

How many more I have to go
Is not for me right now to know.
These years I have on earth to roam,
I walk by faith, ‘til I’m called home.

I pray each day that I can share
Love from my heart, God placed it there.

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Faith to Soar

August 26. 2024

I pray I can read and hear God through His Word,
Decipher the truth, understand what I’ve heard.
I pray I apply it each day that I live,
And when I fall short, ask the Lord to forgive.

I pray as I’m learning I’m open inside,
To hear with my heart where God’s Spirit resides.
I pray that I’m open, no bias or fear
Will block the Lord’s message that I need to hear.

I pray I have faith, seek His guidance each day,
Finding new pathways as He leads the way.
Faith on the mountain one step at a time,
Trusting the Lord every day as I climb.

I pray that by faith I can learn how to soar,
Finding new heights I’ve not flown to before.

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August 14, 2024

When I see others struggle, it seems so unfair.
How can I show love and compassion and care?
I lift up in prayer the ones hurting today.
May God lift you, protect you, and guide you today.

May your pain be more bearable, less than before.
May your soul and your spirit start singing once more.
May you learn how to cope, how to live though in pain,
Every day more determined your strength to regain.

Lord grant me the wisdom that I may assist,
Despair and frustration Lord help me resist,
Continue to pray through darkness of night,
Watching and waiting for morning’s first light.

There will always be struggles around the next bend,
Help me learn how to trust You, some things I can’t mend.

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Another Year

August 12, 2024

Another birthday’s come this year.
The day will come, when I will hear,
“Come home, the gate is open wide.”
I’ll see the Lord, with Him reside.

But ‘til that day, I’ve work to do.
I pray my words convey what’s true.
I pray I share God’s love and light,
Help others see what’s pure and right.

Lord help me see, cut through the haze,
Find wisdom for these troubled days.
Help me find ways to share Your love,
Sometimes I need a push, a shove.

If one more year I write and pray,
Lord bless the words I share and say.

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Mountains and Valleys

August 4, 2024

On the top of a mountain, its peaks white with snow,
I see God’s creation and bask in His glow.
On the top of a mountain, I let my heart soar.
It’s easy to praise Him, the One I adore.

My time on the mountain, although it is brief,
Those glimpses of glory give comfort in grief.
God’s presence is with me in valleys below.
In troubles still praise Him and bask in His glow.

Find rest in the meadows, take time to be still,
Beside the still waters, just seeking His will.
I know He will guide me and show me the way.
Lord help me to listen and hear what You say.

Praise God You’re beside me to comfort and mend.
On mountains, through valleys, Your love never ends.

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His Grace

August 2, 2024

I’m daily blessed to know God’s grace.
My heart can sense His warm embrace.
His love abides to keep me whole.
The music forms inside my soul.

God’s grace can soothe the deepest pain,
His love a song a sweet refrain.
Lord fill my heart and soul with song
That I may sing the whole day long.

Lord help me share and others hear
With heart and soul not just the ear.
Help me to share Your grace each day
Through what I write and share and say.

May others know Your grace, Your love,
That peace descending like a dove.

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With What Remains

July 26, 2024

Lord help me as the years unfold,
My body sees it’s growing old,
To do my best with what remains,
Reflecting still Your sweet refrain.

I pray Your light will always glow
Through years when mind and body slows.
Lord keep a smile upon my face,
Help me reflect Your love and grace.

In times of trouble, hurt, and pain
May I find peace, endure, sustain,
Know joy You’ve placed inside my soul,
Until one day with You I’m whole.

I know one day that pain will end,
Through heaven’s gate, I’ll enter in.

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Walk Worthy

July 7, 2024

(Inspired by Ephesians 4:1-3)

Lord help me walk worthy, and follow Your call,
Commitment each day Lord to give You my all.
Step out in humility trusting in You,
May others see You Lord in all that I do.

I pray that I’m gentle with others each day,
Share Your loving kindness through words that I say.
Lord help me be patient, we all have our faults.
Not one of us perfect to live as we ought.

Lord give me discernment, the wisdom to hear
Your Spirit within me to make Your Word clear.
Lord help me to follow as You lead the way,
Give me the strength that I need for each day.

Lord thank You for others You’ve placed in my life,
My friends and my family, especially my wife.

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Respect Freedom

July 3, 2024

I pray for our nation to pause and reflect.
How did we come to abandon respect?
Though opinions may differ don’t lash out in hate,
Shake hands and move on after healthy debate.

I’m a bit overloaded with pundits and spin.
Outlandish claims won’t help candidates win.
Let’s clean up the narrative, stating the choice,
Allow each position to clearly be voiced.

Don’t use a spin room to bash and divide,
Just provide substance, let voters decide.
We each have opinions; we each have a vote.
One people, one nation, we share the same boat.

Remember our freedom has come at a cost.
We still stand united, our freedom’s not lost.

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Shared Memories

June 27, 2024

Sometimes it’s a kindness, a pleasant surprise,
That touches my heart, brings a tear to my eyes.
It may be a small thing, a word or a deed,
But at that exact moment it’s just what I need.

I pray there are times that I too bring a smile,
Stir an old memory just for a while.
Perhaps warm a heart with a few words of rhyme,
Rekindle old embers now cooled over time.

If I share what I write and can touch just a few,
Jot down some verses, spread words I find true,
I can help someone hurting who needs a kind word.
I pray words are shared until many have heard.

I pray that fond memories never grow cold,
Forever stay with us though bodies grow old.

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