
October 11, 2024

When life seems unpredictable, accident prone,
God’s never surprised and He’s still on the throne.
He’s brought me through trials and troubles before,
I know I can trust Him to get me through more.

If I just trust Him, He’ll show me the way,
He’ll give me the strength that I need for today.
Tomorrow will come, with surprises in tow,
They’ll come unexpectedly, when, I don’t know.

I don’t know the future of what life will bring,
But I trust Him to guide me, my Lord and my King.
In the midst of the chaos, the trouble, and strife,
The Lord is still with me, my strength and my life.

Lord help me stay focused, my eyes upon You,
Your love is a light that is pure and is true.

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Know His Love

September 18, 2024

Lord flow through my pen from my heart with Your words,
Lifting, encouraging others once heard.
May others see You as I lift up Your name.
May they know they are loved, they’re the reason You came.

Lord feed hungry souls who are starving today.
And for parched thirsty hearts who need water I pray,
That water of life that so freely you gave,
Then conquered death as You rose from the grave.

Give us strength when we’re weary in need of Your touch,
Comfort when mourning and need You so much.
In Your loving arms may we feel Your embrace,
And inside our heart know Your love and Your grace.

Lord, I know You are with me and meet every need.

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Wind in My Sails

September 16, 2024

Lord breathe on my sails, or my boat will just drift.
Lord billow my spinnaker, give it a lift.
Help steer my rudder lest I go astray.
Help me see clearly as You show the way.

The waters are vast, and my ship seems so small.
Lord help me to navigate, follow Your call.
Help me find trust in the midst of a storm.
Help me find peace as the still waters form.

Lord thank You for loving me, guiding my ship,
Taking the rudder when I lose my grip.
You help trim my sails and You keep me afloat.
You’ve never left me alone in the boat.

Lord You are the wind in my sails on the sea,
You are the joy in my soul, I’m set free.

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Christians Sharing Poetry

A new monthly virtual event begins October 1st to bring together Christians who write, read, or just enjoy listening to poetry from Christian poets.

Stay tuned for further detains.

Blessings, John Alexander

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Love Beyond Measure

September 10, 2024

How can I fathom the depths of the sea,
Much less the creator of you and of me?
How vast are the galaxies, each one He formed,
Yet He sustains me when life brings me storms.

His love’s beyond measure, the greatest of all.
He lifts me back up in those times when I fall.
He’s the source of the joy that resides in my heart.
He’s always beside me, He’ll never depart.

Though my body is aging, some might say I’m old,
His love is eternal, it never grows cold.
One day I’ll be with Him transfigured and strong.
In His presence forever, through Him I belong.

The sounds of creation one day I will hear
Echoing praises, those heavenly spheres.

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September 9, 2024

The first September morning chill,
At last, the summer’s had its fill,
Allowed the heat to loose its grip.
Thermometers once more can dip.

I’m grateful Lord, the perfect blend
When summer heat comes to an end.
The sun will shine, provide the light,
The temperature will be just right.

A respite Lord, cool sunny day,
A welcomed gift You’ve sent my way.
I’m grateful Lord for each new morn
Through all the days since I was born.

There’s something ‘bout the hint of fall,
Brings memories that I recall,
That linger still inside my soul,
That mark transitions young to old.

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Journey to Rhyme

September 7,2024

I began sharing words my last season of life,
Even later in rhyme as they treated my wife,
While she bravely endured all the treatments and meds,
The surgeries, therapies, struggles ahead.

As I watched her go through it, I wrote my first rhyme,
Sitting in waiting rooms passing the time.
I wrote of a mouse who was cheerful and brave
Though she lived in a dumpster and trash came in waves.

That started a journey I’m still on today,
Each poem allowing my heart to convey
A thought or an image I find in my heart.
I pray as I write that I’m doing my part

In spreading God’s message, His grace from above,
That others may know Him accepting His love.

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September 6, 2024

I pray what I say I align with my walk,
That I see all the places I need to adjust.
I try to hear heartstrings of others who talk,
Sometimes well hidden behind a thick crust.

Perhaps if I open my heart and I share
With the words that I write as I form them in rhyme,
Others may read them, become more aware,
Hear their own longings absorbing each line.

Perhaps they’ll discover the treasure, the gold,
That God placed inside them the day they were born.
Perhaps it’s still dormant, is yet to unfold,
Like a rose bud still hidden behind all the thorns.

I pray what I share from my heart with my pen
Helps others discover God’s light from within.

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September 5, 2024

As I pause to look back on my life at this stage,
Review my life’s book and reflect on each page,
I’ve learned what has value God’s placed in my life,
Some I found easily, others through strife.

I can see life more clearly, this book’s near the end.
I cherish the people I’ve known as a friend.
I value the wisdom from others who write,
Provide new perspectives that they bring to light.

I cherish the love that God placed in my heart,
The faith and assurance He’ll never depart.
He gives me the courage and strength for each day,
What I need to help others I meet ‘long the way.

As I stand at this stage of my life and my walk
Lord help me share love as I write, and I talk.

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Forming Lines

August 29, 2024

In the still of the morning before the world stirs
The dark before sunrise still clings to the sky,
That’s when I’m most open as insights occur.
It’s then I can capture the thoughts floating by.

I’m drawn to the truths that I find God’s book.
No matter the number of years that I’ve read,
I’m still finding morsels that I overlooked.
My soul has a feast as it’s nourished and fed.

My heart overflows in the form of a rhyme.
As the words form a line, and the lines become four,
The beat of my heart keeps the rhythm in time,
As though I’m composing and forming a score.

If the lines are well metered, not short or too long,
Perhaps they’ll form lyrics, transform into song.

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