
August 14, 2024

When I see others struggle, it seems so unfair.
How can I show love and compassion and care?
I lift up in prayer the ones hurting today.
May God lift you, protect you, and guide you today.

May your pain be more bearable, less than before.
May your soul and your spirit start singing once more.
May you learn how to cope, how to live though in pain,
Every day more determined your strength to regain.

Lord grant me the wisdom that I may assist,
Despair and frustration Lord help me resist,
Continue to pray through darkness of night,
Watching and waiting for morning’s first light.

There will always be struggles around the next bend,
Help me learn how to trust You, some things I can’t mend.

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1 Response to Struggles

  1. Jeff Connelly says:

    This is fantastic and very meaningful. Thank you for sharing it.
    I don’t know how you feel about edits to your beautiful work, but here are some suggestions that you should feel free to take or leave without attribution.
    1. Instead of “I lift up in prayer the ones hurting today”, how about “I lift up in prayer the ones hurting and say”
    2. Instead of “Every day more determined your strength to regain.”, how about “Every day more determined His strength to regain.”
    3. Spelling “band” –> “bend”

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