Respect Freedom

July 3, 2024

I pray for our nation to pause and reflect.
How did we come to abandon respect?
Though opinions may differ don’t lash out in hate,
Shake hands and move on after healthy debate.

I’m a bit overloaded with pundits and spin.
Outlandish claims won’t help candidates win.
Let’s clean up the narrative, stating the choice,
Allow each position to clearly be voiced.

Don’t use a spin room to bash and divide,
Just provide substance, let voters decide.
We each have opinions; we each have a vote.
One people, one nation, we share the same boat.

Remember our freedom has come at a cost.
We still stand united, our freedom’s not lost.

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1 Response to Respect Freedom

  1. Donna Kersey says:

    Right on, John! Thanks for putting a similar sentiment to rhyme!
    Donna Kersey

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