Give Glory

June 19, 2024

No matter the job that you’re given to do
Work for the glory of God and not you.
He gave you abilities, talents, and more.
No one’s existed quite like you before.

Use your talents for others and give them your best.
Pray God will use you, so others are blessed.
Always stay humble and not full of pride.
Be led by His Spirit as teacher and guide.

It’s not about fortune or power or fame,
Give glory to Jesus and call on His name.
He’s always there with you, you’re never alone.
Just listen and follow, don’t try on your own.

May God bless you and keep you and give you His peace.
May His joy fill your heart, overflow, never cease.

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1 Response to Give Glory

  1. JR says:

    Bless you, John, you bless s every morning!

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