Still Dad

June 16, 2024

The flowers still bloom, and the sky is still blue.
The mockingbirds sing and the mourning doves coo.
The breeze of the morning caresses my face,
Sweet scenes with my daughter, fond mem’ries embrace.

She now is a grandmother, guess I’m great grand.
My walk’s a bit slower, I sit more than stand.
I’m a husband, a Grampy, and still a dad, too.
“Time flies,” I can say now, I know that it’s true.

I look back through chapters, the pages life penned,
The Lord has walked with me and will to the end.
One day I’ll cross over to life’s other side,
I’ll be there forever; with Him I’ll reside.

My life has been blessed and I’m grateful to write
What I can to share words to help others find light.

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3 Responses to Still Dad

  1. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful! John. Thank you..Rosaline

  2. JR says:

    Beautiful words, blessed thoughts! Thank you, John!

  3. Becky says:

    Happy Father’s Day, John!

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