Truth with Compassion

May 24, 2024

Truth spoken in love to touch someone in need,
Offered along with a simple kind deed,
Will long be remembered beyond just a day,
The kindness expressed with the words that we say.

Lord help me speak truth that I find in your Word
With love and compassion the truth I’ve heard.
May the words that I speak and the lines that I write
Be bathed in the glow of Your radiant light.

Help me express what I find in my heart,
Your love everlasting that never departs.
May Your living water spill out, overflow,
Penetrate soil, help new seedlings to grow.

As Your representative, Lord help me to pen
Your love and compassion and not hold it in.

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1 Response to Truth with Compassion

  1. JR says:

    So desperately needed in this end/pre Tribulation time…
    Bless you, John!

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