
July 2, 2022

When life hits some turbulence none could have guessed,
I have to dig deep so I don’t get depressed.
I have to keep reading and praying each day,
Seek the Lord’s guidance to show me the way.

Each night in my bed as I drift off to sleep,
I count all my blessings instead of just sheep.
As I number the ways that I’ve truly been blessed,
I find comfort and peace and my body can rest.

I envision the times in the past and recall
How the Lord picked me up after stumbles or falls.
He helps me through troubles, He hears every prayer.
His love’s unconditional. He’s always there.

In the midst of the hard times, I know in my heart
The Lord walks beside me, He’ll never depart.

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4 Responses to Turbulence

  1. Marta Howard says:

    How amazing you express how I often end each day, especially are those words needed especially on some of my days. It works!

  2. Alison says:

    Good morning John,
    You and Lee are in our prayers.
    Seems most of our friends are going through turbulent personal times as well as being bombarded with turbulent news worldwide. Thankful we can trust God no matter what and pray for one another.
    Thanks again for thoughtful insights.

  3. Kathy Prior says:

    Great reminder that our Lord is always walking along beside us during the good and bad times!

  4. Donna Kersey says:

    Good morning, John and Lee,
    Talk about turbulent times….what a timely rhyme this morning.
    Hard enough to handle our personal challenges, unfortunate when
    others cause more!
    Thank you for your meaningful rhyming thoughts!
    Donna Kersey

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