
June 28, 2022

When I get in a hurry, life’s moving too fast,
I miss all the roses I may have just passed.
The faster I run and the harder I try,
The more my perspective gets skewed, goes a-rye.

If I’m humble and honest I have to admit,
When I’m running alone, I’m not moving one bit.
When I seek the Lord’s help and I take time to pray,
He gives me direction and shows me the way.

Why do I wait to admit when I’m wrong?
Why do I keep running solo so long?
The hurdles are higher. I’m losing my stride.
At the end of the day, it is usually pride.

“I’m in need of Your help,” is my one simple prayer.
Lord I’m grateful You give me Your love and Your care.

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1 Response to Pride

  1. paula mc. dickerson says:

    JDA–so many can relate; esp ME; God said all that we might describe….First.
    Do I understand you will publish with a book of poems and thoughts: “A Well-Watered Garden”……loved that analogy too…..Continue to aim your thoughts through
    a Bible-guided Life….a grade-school friend..

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