The Magnolia

June 10, 2022

The morning brought a cardinal, his coat a shiny red.
I briefly glimpsed the reddish brown; his darting mate flew by.
He stared at me atop the fence, but not a word he said.
Then off he went, his wings spread wide, adventures in the sky.

Then a visit from a jay just hopping on the fence.
He too was dressed; he wore a suit with silver stripes on blue.
He disappeared into the tree. I haven’t seen him since.
Perhaps he’s resting on a nest, I haven’t seen a clue.

The small magnolia by the fence we planted years ago
Is full and thick with foliage now, inside it’s hard to see.
Each year we watched it fill with bloom, put on new leaves and grow.
I think to birds who call it home, it’s now a family tree.

Now tall, mature, so green and wide, majestic it’s become.
Extended branches welcoming, providing home for some.

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