
August 28, 2024

The sun is down, light’s almost gone,
Another night to rest ‘til dawn.
A few more weeks of summer heat,
Then once again, cool nights I’ll greet.

The trees disrobe, they’ll slumber soon,
With barren limbs to frame the moon.
For seven decades, seven years
I’ve cherished seasons, held them dear.

How many more I have to go
Is not for me right now to know.
These years I have on earth to roam,
I walk by faith, ‘til I’m called home.

I pray each day that I can share
Love from my heart, God placed it there.

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2 Responses to Nightfall

  1. Donna Kersey says:

    Thank you for putting into meaningful rhyme what so many of us “older in years” feel each and every day. Thank you for sharing. In His love, Donna Kersey

  2. Mimi Philips says:

    Just beautiful. Enjoying the sunshine as I read your poem. Mimi

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