First Light

June 22, 2024

How lovely the first light that spreads before dawn
To push back the darkness from sidewalk and lawn.
It calls me to walk and perhaps feel a breeze,
To walk before shadows are formed by the trees.

Enticed by the music, the chorus of birds,
Announcing the first light their melody’s heard.
The rabbits are scampering, hopping about,
My favorite time of the day without doubt.

A leisurely walk in the morning each day,
That time between darkness and sunlight’s first ray.
Not fully awake but for sure not asleep,
My pace is not fast but beyond just a creep.

Cool down on the patio, turn on the fan,
A cup of hot coffee, now that’s a good plan.

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2 Responses to First Light

  1. JR says:

    Love it, though I, personally, wait till after first light to get up.

  2. Donna Kersey says:

    What a great start to the day!
    May the rest of the day be as good!

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