Contrite Heart

June 21, 2024

I pray there is no bitterness inside my hardened heart,
Nor ask the Lord expecting Him, His blessings to impart,
Without confessing first my sins, forgiveness to receive.
He hears my prayers brought honestly, not spoken to deceive.

He knows my heart, my thoughts and dreams, He sees my every deed.
He loves an open contrite heart. He meets my every need.
No need to hide. He bore my sins. They’re buried far away.
He said that He’d prepare a place. I’ll live with Him someday.

Why harbor sin, or carry guilt, or hang my head in shame?
He paid the price, I’ve been set free, I praise His holy name.
His love for me’s beyond compare, His grace has set me free.
I’m grateful Lord Your Spirit came to live inside of me.

I pray that You reveal to me what’s hidden deep inside.
It’s all forgiven long ago; in You I now abide.

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