December 31, 2023
Lord thank you for blessings I’ve known through the year,
Thank you for family and friends I hold dear.
I’m grateful for words I’ve been able to share
As a way to help others know Your love and care.
Thank you for others who help me to grow,
Provide words of wisdom that sparkle and glow,
Who lift and encourage on days when I’m down.
They’re building up treasure with jewels in their crown.
I’m grateful for places my words can be read,
For hearts that can listen and hear what is said.
I pray that the year brings new places to serve.
Lord help me stay active, not merely observe.
Lord help me to listen and hear what You say,
And follow Your footsteps as You lead the way.
Thanks for always sharing from your heart the love of Christ. Happy New year to you both. Love from Rusk.
Happy and healthy New Year, John!
Thank you for sharing your gift.
Happy and Healthy New Year to you and Lee