A Well-Watered Garden

June 27, 2022

A garden well-watered, a beautiful sight,
To those who behold it a constant delight.
With roots that are nourished, and leaves bathed with sun
The flowers give pleasure to most everyone.

A beautiful garden first forms in the mind,
Then it takes shape and becomes a design.
Every garden’s unique and it changes with age.
There’s a beauty in gardens no matter the stage.

May the water of life find its way to your soul.
May its nourishment penetrate, fill every hole.
May the seeds now inside you sprout flowers galore.
May your life be a fragrance that others adore.

Feed your soul daily, let words touch your heart.
Fill it with love and to others impart
The beauty inside you that others may know
The source of the water for gardens to grow.

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