Faith to Pray

June 25, 2022

I had no intention of writing today.
What else could I possibly have left to say?
Perhaps someone else is in need of a word,
Something to ponder that they’ve never heard,

Perhaps an old wound that’s unwilling to mend,
Or someone who’s lonely in need of a friend.
I don’t know your name but I’m praying for you.
I pray you find peace and encouragement too.

I’m not there beside you, I can’t hold your hand.
There’s much about prayer that I don’t understand,
But I do have the faith that God hears what we say,
If we speak from the heart and we earnestly pray.

You’ll know in your heart if these words are for you.
Down deep in your soul you will know they are true.

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2 Responses to Faith to Pray

  1. Becky says:

    I’m glad you wrote today, John:)

  2. Imanuel Christian says:

    I don’t know why, but for some reason was feeling low and your words and prayers encouraged me.



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