For You

June 22, 2022

Each rhyme that I pen is a gift I create
To be opened by others to read and relate.
I pray they are soothing, a comforting balm,
That penetrates deep, to the soul it brings calm.

I pray as I write that my words are sincere,
What I share’s from the heart, not just pleasing to hear.
Sometimes it’s not easy to share what I feel,
But pray that my words provide courage to heal.

Life is not easy but something we share.
Our load is made lighter by others who care.
I pray you find blessings poured out from above,
Give thanks every morning to God for His love.

I’ve no way of knowing what you’re going through,
Perhaps what I’ve written was meant just for you.

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1 Response to For You

  1. Your poems are always inspiring, John, and they offer that wonderful sense of calm to start the day.
    Take care!

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