Savor Each Moment

June 18, 2022

Life’s ever changing, each day’s a new page,
Those gradual changes that come as we age.
We slowly transition, begin a new phase
That’s measured in years or in decades, not days.

One thing that I’ve learned that for me is now clear;
Don’t cling to the past, it’s the present that’s dear.
Savor each moment as though it’s my last.
Don’t dwell on the things I can’t change in the past.

I’m grateful for memories new ones and old,
But embrace each new day as I see it unfold.
‘Til the Lord calls me home, each new day that I live,
I pray that I learn and find new ways to give.

I’ve been blessed to bless others. I share what I find,
Little bits of myself that I’m leaving behind.

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1 Response to Savor Each Moment

  1. Marlon Duke says:

    Beautiful thoughts and so relevant. I’ll pass this on.

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