Letting Go

June 17, 2022

Dark shadows and memories, buried and deep
Can rise up to taunt us in dreams as we sleep.
Holding on to the past can affect how we live.
Find enough courage, let go and forgive.

We cannot undo the mistakes of the past,
So, focus instead on the things that will last.
Plant seeds in the present, perhaps they will grow
Harvests of blessings that others will sow.

Live in the present and what it can be.
A focus on others can help set us free.
Our troubles diminish as we look around.
What once seemed a mountain can shrink to a mound.

There’s no need to carry the mem’ries of pain
I pray you find peace as you hear each refrain.
I pray that you’re able to find perfect peace,
Find rest in God’s hands as your cares are released.

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