Bitter Words

June 15, 2022

The words that you speak in the morning in haste
You may eat for dinner, a quite bitter taste.
It’s better each morning to hold them and wait
Than find them that evening served up on a plate.

Find words that speak kindly what you have to say.
Provide others comfort to brighten their day.
Life brings enough sorrow, why add to the pile,
When words of encouragement help others smile?

I’m grateful for others with kindness to share,
Who know what to say when life doesn’t seem fair,
Who give me perspective from their point of view,
Help me pause and reflect, let my spirit renew.

I pray that I also can do as I write,
Reach out to others, spread wisdom and light.

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1 Response to Bitter Words

  1. johnalex47 says:

    A special thank you to Dean who provided the inspiration for the poem.

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