Heart Wounds

June 2, 2022

The days turn gray, skies fill with rain
Accentuating souls in pain.
We mourn the innocent who die,
Those left behind still asking why.

Some blame God instead of men
Who scoff at God, embrace their sin.
The broken hearts, how will they mend?
When will the darkness ever end?

God knows our pain, He hears our voice,
Which path we choose, we have a choice:
Let anger dictate how we live,
Or find the peace that God can give.

God’s sovereign, yet we can choose.
How both can be we get confused.
When things go wrong is God to blame
As some who raise a fist proclaim?

God’s not obliged to tell me why.
I’d love to know, I’ll not deny.
I cannot fully understand,
But know each day I’m in His hands.

I trust in God when skies are gray
Not just when sunshine comes my way.
God’s love is real, His comfort’s strong
When life’s a mess, things seem so wrong.

I know that God is on the throne,
He knows our pain and hears our groan.
I pray that hearts one day will mend,
Allow God’s peace to reign within.

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